浙江永裕家居股份有限公司始创于2000年,是一家专业研发、 生产与销售竹制品和现代高新材料制品的现代化企业。主要产品有竹地板、竹家具、竹装饰材料、竹户外产品、SPC (石晶)地板、SPC装饰材料、顶墙一体化新型产品、竹塑复合地板等八大类名优产品。是国内排前列的竹产品、现代高新材料产品的国内外供应商。目前永裕产品已远销海外50几个国家和地区,年出口地板近2000万平方米。
Zhejiang Yongyu Household Co. , Ltd. was founded in 2000, is a professional research and development, production and sales of bamboo products and modern high-tech materials products of modern enterprises. The main products are bamboo flooring,bamboo furniture, bamboo decorative materials, bamboo outdoor products, SPC (Stone Crystal) flooring, SPC decorative materials, top wall integration of new products, bamboo-plastic composite flooring and other eight categories of well-known products. Is China' s top bamboo products, modern high-tech materials products global suppliers. At present, Yongyu products have been exported to more than 50 countries and regions overseas, with an annual export floor area of nearly 20 million square meters.